Beauty & the Beast

Beauty & the Beast

Michael Stanley's "Lover"

Little Brady!

Little Brady!

Some of my favorite Grey's moments

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Lynnie Poo Poo

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Love those Maine Coon Cats! Looks just like Buster!

I got my name in lights with

Buster says "EXERCISE? YUCK!"

Buster says "EXERCISE? YUCK!"

Partridge Family Highlights!

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Friday, August 3, 2007

Things 13, 14 &15

OK was suprisingly easy to understandd and operate. Easy to follow along and I think this is more useful than Rollyo which still confuses me. This one i actually get.
Technorati to me was not too useful . I took the tour and it as kind of interesting. I do not want to post blogs so others can search and really don't care what others have to say.
I agree completely about "Iceberg". Libraries are constantly changing and the need to have a huge collection of dated material seems useless when most of it can be gotten online. Aslo, the roles of Libraries are changing. They are becoming gathering places and are the center of the community, and that is a very good thing.


Shortlegs said...

I find it amazing how much libraries have changed in the last 10 years. Computers are everywhere when less than a decade ago we were still wondering how the Internet was going to change our jobs. The graphics are fantastic and who would have thought we would be sharing all this information so quickly without books.

Blogteam said...

There is so much available in the category of social networking and web 2.0 applications that not everything will appeal to every person, but you are sure to find a few things you really like. Hope you are having fun exploring.



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