Beauty & the Beast

Beauty & the Beast

Michael Stanley's "Lover"

Little Brady!

Little Brady!

Some of my favorite Grey's moments

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Lynnie Poo Poo

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Love those Maine Coon Cats! Looks just like Buster!

I got my name in lights with

Buster says "EXERCISE? YUCK!"

Buster says "EXERCISE? YUCK!"

Partridge Family Highlights!

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thing 23.....Finished!

I have completed the 23 steps and I am so proud! I debated about even doing this and now I am so glad that I did. I have learned so much I can't even begin to tell you. Summarizing some of the highlights are Flickr, which I probably won't use in the future, but didn't even know that a sight like that existed. I am not too crazy about putting personal photos online. I was so impressed with Bloglines and all that it had to offer. I had no idea before I started this what a RSS feed even was, and now I couldn't be without it! For fun things, Online generators were a blast to experiment with. There were so many sites I explored, some good and some bad, but overall, I really enjoyed working with it. Of course, Youtube was fantastic. It amazes me how much is on it. Work related, I am not sure how much of it I will need to use. I think being a clerk, Microsoft word and excel would be useful. In conclusion, I would participate in something like this in the future if it was offered. It was a great learning experience for me and I loved it.


Blogteam said...

Congratulations, Lynnette, you've done a great job with your blog and have obviously had fun doing it. I love your enthusiasm!

Namaste said...

Love your blog; I had a good time doing your Maine coon cat puzzle. You seemed to have really learned a lot doing these exercises.

Anonymous said...

I'm commenting on all blogs that allow comments.
Great job and if I had time, I'd actually explore your blog to see what it's about. But I'm lazy.



Have fun solving this!

Click to Mix and Solve